Copy <#
Installs WMF 5.1 and necessary prerequisites.
Installs Windows Management Framework and its necessary prerequisites to enable PowerShell 5.1 for easier device management.
Supported OS: Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 SP1
Author: Aaron Stevenson
# Requires -Version 4.0
Function Install-dotNET {
$dotNetReg = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full'
$dotNetVersion = if ( Test-Path $dotNetReg) { ( Get-ItemProperty - Path $dotNetReg).Version } else { '' }
$dotNetInstaller = "$ env: TEMP\dotNET48.exe"
$dotNetUrl = ''
try {
if ($dotNetVersion -lt '4.5.2' ) {
Write-Output "`nUpdating .Net Framework to 4.8..."
Invoke-WebRequest - Uri $dotNetUrl - OutFile $dotNetInstaller
Start-Process - FilePath $dotNetInstaller - ArgumentList '/q /norestart' - Wait
Write-Output 'Prerequisite installation complete.'
catch {
Write-Warning 'Unable to install required prerequisite.'
Write-Warning $_
exit 1
finally { Remove-Item - Path $dotNetInstaller - Force - ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
Function Install-WMF {
$OSName = ( Get-WmiObject - Class Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption
$OSArch = ( Get-WmiObject - Class Win32_OperatingSystem).OsArchitecture
$WUCatalogBaseUrl = ''
$MicrosoftBaseUrl = ''
# Check OS version to determine correct KB
Switch - wildcard ($OSName) {
'*Windows Server 2012*' {
$KB = 'KB3191565'
$KBUrl = $WUCatalogBaseUrl + 'windows8-rt-kb3191565-x64_b346e79d308af9105de0f5842d462d4f9dbc7f5a.msu'
'*Windows Server 2012 R2*' {
$KB = 'KB3191564'
$KBUrl = $WUCatalogBaseUrl + 'windowsblue-kb3191564-x64_91d95a0ca035587d4c1babe491f51e06a1529843.msu'
'*Windows Server 2008 R2*' {
$KB = 'KB3191566'
$Archive = "$ env: TEMP\$"
$KBUrl = $MicrosoftBaseUrl + ''
'*Windows 8.1*' {
$KB = 'KB3191564'
if ($OSArch -eq '64-bit' ) { $KBUrl = $WUCatalogBaseUrl + 'windowsblue-kb3191564-x64_91d95a0ca035587d4c1babe491f51e06a1529843.msu' }
else { $KBUrl = $WUCatalogBaseUrl + 'windowsblue-kb3191564-x86_821ec3c54602311f44caa4831859eac6f1dd0350.msu' }
'*Windows 7*' {
$KB = 'KB3191566'
$Archive = "$ env: TEMP\$"
if ($OSArch -eq '64-bit' ) { $KBUrl = $MicrosoftBaseUrl + '' }
else { $KBUrl = $MicrosoftBaseUrl + '' }
default {
Write-Warning "`nOperating System [$OSName] not supported. Aborting..."
exit 1
try {
Write-Output "`nOS: $OSName"
Write-Output "Required Patch: $KB"
Write-Output "`nStarting update installation..."
# Download MSU
if ($Archive) {
Invoke-WebRequest - Uri $KBUrl - OutFile $Archive
$UnpackedArchive = "$ env: TEMP\WMF-Update"
Add-Type - AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
[ System.IO.Compression.ZipFile ]::ExtractToDirectory($Archive , $UnpackedArchive)
$MSU = ( Get-ChildItem - Path $UnpackedArchive | Where-Object { $_.Name -like '*.msu' }).FullName
else {
$MSU = "$ env: TEMP\$KB.msu"
Invoke-WebRequest - Uri $KBUrl - OutFile $MSU
# Install MSU
Start-Process - FilePath 'wusa.exe' - ArgumentList "$MSU /quiet /norestart" - Wait
Write-Output "$KB installation complete."
Write-Output "A reboot is required but must be done manually.`n"
catch {
Write-Warning "`nFailed to install WMF 5.1."
Write-Warning $_
exit 1
finally {
if ($Archive) { Remove-Item $Archive , $UnpackedArchive - Recurse - Force - ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
else { Remove-Item $MSU - Force - ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
# Check if PowerShell version is less than 5.1
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -gt '5.1' ) {
Write-Output "`nWindows Management Framework 5.1 already installed.`nAborting script..."
exit 0
# Set PowerShell to TLS 1.2 (
if ([ Net.ServicePointManager ]::SecurityProtocol -notcontains 'Tls12' -and [ Net.ServicePointManager ]::SecurityProtocol -notcontains 'Tls13' ) {
[ Net.ServicePointManager ]::SecurityProtocol = [ Net.SecurityProtocolType ]::Tls12
# Install .NET Framework & WMF
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'